利用高校物理实验室都有的分光计实验装置 ,在望远镜前端加一偏振片 ,稍做改动 ,即可观察光在各向同性介质分界面上反射和折射时的偏振现象 ,又可以既简单又精确地测量布儒斯特角 ,并验证布儒斯特定律。所测实验结果与其他精密实验所得结果相当吻合 ,其相对百分误差不足 0 .4%
We propose a simple and accurate enough experiment with spectrometer, by adding a polaroid on the front of the telescope. With this experiment we can observe the polarized light produced by reflection and refraction from the medium having the same optical character in every direction. Brewster's angle is measured using this apparatus and Brewster's law is verified by the result. The experiment data deviates less than 0.4% from that obtained by precise experiment.
Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry