

A Study on Mailuoning Injection for No InsuLin Depend Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperliplidemia
摘要 用脉络宁液射液治疗 46例Ⅱ型糖尿病并高脂血症患者 ,测定血糖 (FBG ,PBG)、血脂 (TC ,TG ,LDL—C ,HDL—C) ,血流变学指标 (全血粘度、血浆粘度 )及药物副作用 ,并与对照组 46例同等患者比较 ,结果表明血糖降低显效率明显高于对照组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,TC ,TG ,LDL—C下降及HDL—C上升的幅度明显高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ,全血粘度及血浆粘度下降的幅度明显高于对照组 (P <0 .0 5~ 0 .0 1) .脉络宁注射液治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病并高脂血症有确切疗效 ,无不良反应 ,是治疗Ⅱ型粮尿病并高脂血症的理想药物 . Test were in blood glucose,Blood Lipid, complete bloodviscosity,plasma viscosity and side effects of mailuoning for 46 patients who had no insulin depend diabetes mellitus and hyperliplidemia. comparedwith 46 patients having the same disease , the patiants had highereffective vatio of decreacing blood glucose(P<0.05),Lower TC,TG,LDL- Cand higher HDL-C(P<0.01).in addition,complete blood viscosity and plasmaviscosity were lower(p<0.05~0.01),there were no side effects occured, Itsuggests that mailuoning is an ideal drug to treat no insulin dependdiabetes mellitus and hyperlidemia.
机构地区 吉首市人民医院
出处 《吉首大学学报》 2000年第4期94-96,共3页
关键词 脉络宁 型糖尿病 高脂血症 注射治疗 血糖 血脂 全血粘度 mailuoning no insulin depend diabetas mellitus hyperlidemia
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