在 1990~ 2000年国际减灾十年活动( IDNDR)期间,我国在地质灾害调查、研究、监测和防治等开展了大量工作,进行了以链子崖危岩体、黄蜡石滑坡为代表的数百项重大地质灾害的防治,有效地减缓了地质灾害损失,综合防灾能力明显提高,减灾不仅是政府的重任,而且已引起全社会关注。文章简介了 2000年我国西藏易贡高速巨型滑坡和陕西安康区域性滑坡泥石流两大地质灾害。响应联合国倡导的本世纪初“国际减灾战略计划”,并对我国地质灾害监测预警工程和风险管理提出了建议。
In the period of International Decades of Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR), plenty of comprehensive investigation, research, monitoring and prevention has been carried out. Hundreds of geological hazards, typified by the Lianziya dangerous rockmass and the Huanglashi landslide, have been stabilized so as to effectively reduce losses caused by geological hazards. This paper introduces two hazards that occurred in 2000: Yigong rapid huge landslide in Tibet and regional rain-induced geological hazard in Ankang, Shaanxi Province. To respond to the International Strategy of Disaster Reduction proposed by UN, the paper also presents a warning system and risk management on geological hazards.
Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources