从四川 1 0个规模化鸡场分离的经生化鉴定、动物回归试验获得 46株鸡致病性E.coli。对 46株鸡致病性 E.coli进行了耐药性、血清型鉴定和质粒 DNA分析的研究。试验结果表明 :鸡致病性大肠杆菌易产生耐药性 ,且多为多重耐药 ;鉴定出 3 6株大肠杆菌的 O血清型共 1 6种 ,占鉴定菌株的 78.3 % ;流行的主要血清型为 O89、O1 41、O1 1 9、O1 2 7和 O1 3 1 ,共 2 2株 ,占定型菌株的 6 1 .6 % ,鸡致病性大肠杆菌血清型多 ,各地血清型种类差异大 ;质粒得率为 1 0 0 % ,来源相同的菌株有相同或相似的质粒图谱和酶切图谱 ,来源不同的菌株质粒图谱一般不同 。
strains of E coli were isolated from chickens of the large scale chicken farms in Sichuan province,and were studied for antibiotic sensitivity,O serogroup identification and plasmid DNA profile It was demonstrated that,these E coli were easy to mutate into drugs\|resistance 36 of them were identified as O type belonged to 16 serogroups predominately the O89?O141?O119?O127 and O131 Plasmids were found in all the strains E coli derived from the same source were always provided with identical or similar plasmid profile
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug