情爱一直是作家们关注的话题 ,而女作家尤甚。张洁以主流话语走向文坛 ,在经历了痛苦的追寻、偶像的崇拜、理想的幻灭后 ,就近以《无字》超越了她以往对情爱的认知 ,并表现出对主流话语的解构与反叛 。
gist: Affection is always the main theme for the writers to choose, especially for the women writers among whom is Zhang Jie. She has finally got her famous position just in the same way as other writers, that is by writing love stories. After experiencing hard pursuit, worship of idols and the shatter of hopes, she published her novel-Wordless, which exceeded her view about affection in the past, showing her new understanding of such subject, going against the usual way of it and giving deep literate introspection to it.