杜甫诗的沉郁顿挫风格 ,源于因广博的内容 ,有限的篇幅以及诗人的工力和苦心孤诣之间形成的共振性诗学机制。这种机制具有强大坚韧的组合功能 ,包融了作者的灾难感和忧患意识。在共振显现上 ,首先表现为感情共振 ,其结构多为双情感系统形态。其次 ,情感是诗歌体制组合的纽带和内在动力 ,其旋转方向和形态 ,则受深层的意义支配。同时 ,这种诗学机制 。
DU Fu's poetry is profound and forceful, which originates from resonant poetry mechanics formed between extensive content, limited length, and poet's efforts & skill, and also lies in that the poet has achieved a deep understanding through diligent studies. This type of mechanics is supplied with powerful and durable function of combination, embracing poet's feeling of calamities and consciousness of hardship. On resonance revelation, it indicates emotional resonance, whose structure is double-emotion-system form. Secondly, emotion is a link and internal impetus of poetry mechanics' combination, and its revolving direction and form are thus dominated by deep connotation. In the mean time, the poetry mechanics has been intimate with Xing in ancient poetry reviews.