伪劣商品和垄断价格的“市场陷阱” ,抑制市场有效需求 ,造成无效供给 ,阻滞出口 ,引发进口 ,是我国社会产品结构性需求不足的重要原因。“打假”应从产业结构调整 ,解决需求瓶颈的战略高度把握 ,标本兼治 ,内外兼施。
Market Trap'of the fake and inferior goods and the price monopoly,which is the main reason for lack of the demand for our social products,may refrain effective demand and bring about inefective supply,and in the meantime hold back export and lead to import.In the campaign of 'striking at fake goods',we must approach the problem from the strategic high plane of industrial structural adjustment and a solution for the demand bottleneck,only in this way can we treat the disease by looking into both its rootcause and symptoms.
Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering(Social Science Edition)