公司权利结构是公司法理论的根基 ,本文从评析我国学者关于公司权利结构的观点入手 ,对公司权利结构进行了法理分析。指出股东财产与公司财产的分离是公司真正享有法人人格的根本保障 ,联系两者的纽带便是股权 ;股权与公司法人财产权相结合便形成了公司权利结构 ,并成为公司治理结构的理论前提。作者在此基础上又进一步探讨了公司法人财产权和股权性质问题 。
The corporate right structure is the foundation of the theory of corporate Law.Firstly,this article comments on some scholars'opinions about the corporate right structure,then analyses the corporate right structure in a philosophical law way.The author believes that the separating of the stock holders'and the company's properties is the fundamental ensurance of the company's personality.The things that link these two parts are the holders' right.The combination of stock holders' right and corporate legal person's property right is the corporate right structure.And this become the theory premise of the administration of the company.On the basis of the above,the author talks about the nature of corporate legal person's property right and the stock holders' rihgt,and proposes some helpful ideas about several problems of corporate right structure in the practice of state owned enterprises' reform.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)