传统逻辑依靠寻求“尽量多”的相似点 ,来提高类比推理结论的可靠性 ,不仅使人们难以把握非确定时空条件下的“尽量多”,而且这个“尽量多”概念本身就是模糊的 ,也难免在“尽量多”的属性中出现冗余信息 ,一些客观条件也不允许人们去寻找“尽量多”的相似属性。因此 ,对于类比推理结论的可靠性 ,不必刻意追求“尽量多”,而可以用决定性、一致性和相关性来判定 ,并可运用概率论、集合论的知识 。
Traditional logic tries to improve the reliability of analogy conclusions by seeking out “as many as” similarities. But this makes it difficult for people to grasp “as many as”similarities under the indefinite conditions, and the concept of “as many as” is obscure in itself, in which extra information inevitably arises. And some objective conditions do not allow people to search for “as many as”similarities. Therefore, as for the reliability of analogy conclusions, one should not deliberately pursue the “amount”, but he can make judgements by means of decisiveness, consistence and relevance, and formalize them by using probability theory and set theory.
Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition