中国“性”文化有着良好的传统 ,其在文学艺术的表现中一般分为“变态的性欲描写”和“文学的性欲描写”两类 ,《聊斋志异》则属于后者。《聊斋志异》中的性欲描写含蓄、蕴籍 ,少叙述而多形容 ,且与异性间感情的发展相伴以行 ,它既是男女爱情激流的涌现 ,是情节和人物性格发展的需要 ,又是小说艺术氛围所不可缺少的 ,不能以“低级庸俗”将其完全抹煞。特别是那些歌颂爱情的小说中的性欲描写 ,更是绘声绘影 ,仪态万方 ,多姿多彩地展现了中国性文化的美质。
The “sex' culture in China has a good tradition. In cultural art works, sex is presented generally in two forms: “the abnormal sexual description' and “the cultural sexual description'. In the book, Strange Tales of Liaozhai, the latter is applied, in which the sexual description is implicit and gentle, with less direct description and more indirect description. That apart, it is always accompanied by the emotional development between man and woman, a technique needed for the presentation of love between them, and for the development of the plot and the character of the figures in the story. Henceforth, it cannot be dismissed merely with the excuse of “vulgar interests' embodied in the stories that praise true love, for it is so picturesque, so vivid and so wonderful, showing the beautiful features of the sex culture in China.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)