According tO its geographic position and specific features of Quaternary deposits, the favorable conditions of Quaternary research in China lie the integration of marine and terrestrial studies. During a half of century, the marine Quaternary studies in China have significantly progressed and changed its nature and scope, from pioneering survey to problem-oriented projects, from coastal to shallow-water and then to deep-water research, from late Quaternary only to late Cenozoic, from low to high time resolution, and from qualitative to quantitative approaches, although to catch up there is still a long way to go. At the beginning of the new century, we should orient our studies to the key issues in Quaternary sciences both international and domestic, and focus our attention on the Western Pacific Marginal Sea and Warm Pool, maintaining close ties with the land-based work and modem processes studies. Research directions and practical measures for marine Quaternary science in China are also discussed.
Quaternary Sciences