港口吞吐量预测常用的方法有:时间序列预测法、回归分析预测法、灰色 预 测法和弹性系数法等。每种预测方法都有其特点和适用范围,通过分析舟山港口吞吐量的 特点,选择采用分货种预测法比较适合舟山实际,而其中舟山港口的其它货物吞吐量(指除 去石油、煤炭、矿石等大宗货物后的货物吞吐量。下同。),根据其特殊性,则采用弹性 预 测法。
: Common methods of the forecast of harbor handling capacity inc lu de serial- by- time,gray theory,regressive analysis and elasticity coefficie n t etc.. Each method has different characteristics and adoption. In accordance w ith the characteristics of Zhoushan harbor handling capacity,different kinds of cargoes are forecasted respectively,in which the item“ handling capacity of ot h er cargoes” is forecasted by elasticity coefficient.
Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science Edition)