IEC 60 870 5 10 1规约的出现使电力自动化系统有了统一的国际标准规约。标准规约的功能强大,适用面广,给标准规约的理解及应用增加了难度。作者结合中山电力局成功应用IEC60 870 5 10 1于调度自动化系统的实践经验,对该规约的应用进行了有益的探讨。
The appearance of IEC 60870 5 101 protocol can be applied to the dispatching automation system as an international standard protocol.Its powerful function and wide suitability multiplies the difficulty in understanding and utilization of it.This paper intergates the successful utilization of IEC 60870 5 101 protocol in dispatching automation system of Zhongshan electric power bureau,discussed the protocol application.
Telecommunications for Electric Power System