利用CBMDisc( 1 981 - 2 0 0 0 .9)和Medline( 1 985- 2 0 0 0 .1 0 )检出脐血造血干细胞方面的中外文文献分别为 30 6篇、1 1 0 7篇 ,继而从论文年代、语种、国别分布、作者 (作者发文量、核心作者、核心作者群、合作程度 )、核心期刊、机构发文量以及部分研究热点等方面进行统计对比分析 ,以揭示脐血干细胞研究的现状、热点和存在的问题 。
To explore the regularity and general trend of the development of Human umbilical cord blood cells (HUCBC) research, so is to provide scientific basis for determining the orientation of HUCBC research. With the method of bibliometrics, 306?1107 documents on HUCBC searched from CBMDisc and Medline were analyzed according as times、language?country?author (article quantities?core author?core authors、cooperate)?core periodical、group article article quantities and some primary study.
China Child Blood