十月革命开辟了资本主义与社会主义两种制度世界性交替的伟大时代 ,能否正确认识和处理“两制关系” ,对无产阶级革命和建设事业影响甚巨。毛泽东新民主主义理论的提出 ,曾使中国革命中的“两制关系”得到正确解决 ;而后来在这一问题上片面性的发生 ,则又导致了中国社会主义事业的挫折。摒弃在“两制关系”认识上的片面性 ,是邓小平社会主义观与传统社会主义观的主要区别 ,邓小平理论就是建立在对“两制关系”的深刻思考和准确把握之上的。
The October Revolution (1917) started a great epoch of world wide alternation between capitalism and socialism. It is of great significance to the proletarian revolution and the tackling of the two system relation'. Mao Zedongs proposal of the new democracy theory succeeded in settling the issue of the two system relation' in the course of the Chinese revolution. Later, one sided approaches to this problem led to setbacks in Chinas socialist construction. The rejection of the one sidedness in the understanding of the two system relation' is the main distinction between Deng Xiaopings view of socialism and the traditional view of socialism. Deng Xiaoping Theory is built exactly upon the profound consideration and correct understanding of the two system relation'.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
Deng Xiaoping Theory
two system relation
capitalism and socialism