用 15Gy的60 Coγ射线辐照处理中籼型原始材料 30 2 7的幼穗 ,随后进行组织培养 ,从分化再生的无性系变异后代中 ,筛选到优良突变体恢复系R30 2 7,并选配出强优组合Ⅱ优 30 2 7。该组合于 2 0 0 0年 4月通过浙江省品种审定。
The young panicles of indica rice variety 3027 were radiated by 15 Gy of γ ray and cultured in vitro. Among 305 regenerated plantlet lines, 13 mutant lines with early maturity were selected to testcross with the CMS line Ⅱ 32A. Based on the performance of testcross F 1 s, the restorer line R3027 and its hybrid Ⅱ You 3027 were developed. Ⅱ You 3027 showed high yielding ability and acceptible grain quality. It was registered and released to commercial production in Zhejiang Province in April, 2000. Its yield performance, major agronomic characters, grain quality and pest resistance were introduced. The key points of its cultural management and hybrid seed production techniques were also given in this paper.
Hybrid Rice
国家"九五"生物技术攻关项目 (96 C0 1 0 1 0 1 10 )