对影响磁流变液沉降稳定性的颗粒表面性质、固 /液界面性质和大小颗粒之间相互作用等因素进行了实验研究和探讨 .实验结果表明 :磁流变悬浮液体的稳定性取决于固相颗粒之间的静电排斥作用或固 -液界面分子构型所产生的空间位阻效应 ;对于颗粒径度较大的分散体系 ,通过改善粒子表面的结构 ,依靠体系的结构力学性质改善粗大颗粒悬浮液体的沉降稳定性 .
Factors affected for the suspentive stability of the magnetorhological liquid, such as: surface property of microparticles, interface property between liquid and solid and the interaction of the microparticles have been studied. the magnetorheological fluids are composed of the magnetic solid particles and the oils as successive phase.It is found that the suspentive stability of the magnetorhological liquid is dependent on the electrostatic repulsive effect among solid phase microparticles or on the space resistance effect of the molecular structure on the interface between liquid and solid .The suspentive stability of the magentic suspension fluids with larger size particles could be enhanced by modifying the surface station of microparticles.
Journal of Guizhou University:Natural Sciences
国家自然科学基金 (19872 0 2 1)
贵州省科学技术基金资助课题 (9830 78)