利用矢尖蚧卵发育进度分级的方法,预测第一代发生期,结果表明,矢尖蚧从 3月初日均温度达 11℃时,陆续开始产卵,卵期 35~ 42 d,产卵高峰日 (三级卵占 50%以上 )再往后推迟 20 d,即为幼蚧盛发期,也是防治的关键期。该预测方法预测结果与实际发生情况相吻合,仅相差 1~ 2 d。
The occurrence of the first generation of Unaspis yanonensis was predicted by grading the developmental time of eggs. The results suggested that Unaspis yanonensis adult began to lay eggs in early March, when the average temperature was above 11℃ . The whole ovipositing period ranged from 35~ 42 days, The key time for controlling this pest was 20 days after oviposition peak. The prediction was in accordance with the real situation, only with an error of 1 or 2 days.
Plant Protection Technology and Extension