分析了A6 33D钢焊接接头在循环载荷下的疲劳特性 ,进行了疲劳特性和静态拉伸实验 ,得到了该材料的静力参数 ,常规机械性能 ,焊接接头的循环σ -ε曲线以及焊接接头的应变寿命曲线。将局部应力 应变法用于该材料的 1 0m3 斗杆的裂纹形成寿命的估算。采用Miner法则结合概率的方法计算了不同可靠度下的疲劳寿命 ,其间考虑了焊接残余应力的影响 ,得出焊接残余应力的存在使斗杆的裂纹形成寿命降低约 1 0 %。
By experiment of fatigue and static tension, the fatigue character of the weldi ng tie-in of A633D steel is analyzed, its curve of cyciing σ-ε and strain -life is determined, and its fatigue character of welding tie-in is analyzed. Using the local stress-strain method, the initiation life of the crack of the dipper-handle of 10 m 3 execavator is obtained. The fatigue lives with diffeen t realiability are predicte with Miner pinciple and probability method, in whic h the effect of the residual welding stress is considered. It is decided that t he initiation life of the ceack of dipper-handle of the 10 m 3 excavator dece eased about 10% due to the residual welding stress.
Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics