目的 了解小学生紧张性行为及其影响因素。方法 对洛阳市 4所小学的 732名学生进行了调查。依据先分层后整群随机抽样的原则 ,填写统一调查表 ,按诊断标准逐一筛查。对其影响因素进行分析。结果 1~ 6年级小学生紧张性行为的发生率为 45 .0 8% ,不同年级有显著差异。啃指甲癖的发生率最高 ,为 2 9.6 4% ,精神习惯性抽动为 16 .39% ,吮拇癖为 8.88% ,屏气发作 4.78% ,习惯性擦腿 1.6 4% ,撞头发生率很低 ,影响小学生紧张性行为的主要因素是学习成绩和教师对学生的态度。结论 小学生紧张性行为发生率有增高趋势 。
Objective To study the nervous behaviors for primary school pupils and its related factors.Methods 732 valid questionairs were chosen on the basis of “component part first,then groups” at random samplings,and gradual screening according to diagnostic standards by filling in unified survey forms, it was analysed of the related factors. Results The incidence of nervous behaviors for primary schools pupils was 45.8%,with remarkable difference for different grades. The incidence of those addicted to biting fingemils accounted for 29.64%,mentally habitual spsmodic jerk incidence came to 16.39%,thumb blowing addictors 8.88%, breath holding attacks 4.78%,habitual leg rubbing activities 1.64%, head hitting incidence was very low. Conclusion In recent years, the incidence of nervous behviors for primary schools pupils has tendency to rise, and the attitudes of teachers towrds pupils and academic records have greater effect on them.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science