目的 研究纤维胆道镜取石在肝胆管残余结石治疗上的价值以及彗星征定律的镜外表现。方法 对 1996年 4月至 1999年 12月的 2 40例次胆道术后患者进行纤维胆道镜经T管窦道取石。结果 结石取净率达 98.1%。结论 取石前胆汁色泽如呈米汤样改变或有絮状物 ,则必有结石残留。
Objectives To study the value of choledochofiberscope in treatment of residual intrahepatic stones and the outer scope expression of comet sign.Method Taking stones from patients by 240 times with choledochofiberscope though T tube sinus after bile duct operation from Apr. 1996 to Dec.1999.Result The net extraction rate is 98.1%.Conclusion There must be residual stones while the bile is like rice water or floccule before stones taken out. [
Journal of Clinical Surgery