本文运用民俗学和体育学的基本观点 ,揭示了藏族寺院民俗体育文化产生和形成的人文及历史背景 ,表现形式及其意义。指出藏传佛教寺院民俗体育文化是在宗教活动需要的前提下得到传承的 ,而发展则需要寺院在进一步开放的基础上引进一些体育娱乐活动 ,并结合卫生措施 ,才能收到更好的增进健康。
This article,from the viewpoints of folklores and physical training,traces the cultural and historical background of how the customary physical culture in Tibetan temples came into being and developed,and unveils the presentation forms of the physical cultures and the profound meanings the forms bear.The paper also points out that the preservation and continuation of the temples' physical training tradition has been attributed to the religious needs;further development of the temples' physical culture needs to introduce some other kinds of physical\|training measures and recreational activities in which sanitation and hygiene should be primarily amphasized.Only in this way will the Tibetan customary physical\|training culture better serve its dual purposes,to improve the practitioner's physical health and to refresh their bodiesand minds.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Humanities and Sociol Science)