世界炼化产业面临着环境保护、技术进步、市场竞争的三大挑战。面对挑战 ,全球炼化产业采取了兼并重组、炼油化工一体化、加大科技投入、开发天然气替代石油的技术和产品等对策。世界炼化产业发展的新动向给我国以重要的启示 ,要求我们认清形势及国情 ,采取相应的对策措施 ,促进我国炼化产业在已有成绩和发展的基础上取得更大的进步。
In the world oil refining and chemical industry face such challenges as environmental protection, technological progress and market competition. The world-wide oil refining and chemical industry adopt countermeasures such as merging and reorganization, integration of oil refining and chemical industry, increase of science and technology input exploitation of natural gas resources instead of oil. The world-wide new trends in the development of oil refining and chemical industry give us the enlightenment that we must recognize the current situation and our national conditions, take corresponding countermeasures to make further progress based on the foundation we have laid down.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Social Sciences)