井径窑制作以白釉器为主 ,唐代多点彩装饰 ,金代多印花。井器以瓷枕最具特色 ,装饰手法多戳印划花。图案为姿态各异的鹿和牛。金代井器运销全国 ,以正定为中心 ,行销各地 ,记载很多。以海丰镇为中转站 ,出口海外。井陉窑地近邢窑、定窑。其西为山西平定窑 ,平定窑有可能与井陉窑同为一窑 ,从文献可见端倪 ,但平定窑资料尚未公布 ,此观点有待进一步证实。井陉窑之此种地理位置是其发展的自然原因之一。井陉窑的兴衰也有其社会原因。井陉是太行八陉之一 ,金国对其管理很严格 ,井陉率先恢复瓷器生产。另外战乱也使邢、定两地工匠来到井陉 ,为井陉窑之发展作出了贡献。
The producing process of Jingxing-yao's china has been known which include sprospecting,making and adorning.We found 2 ovens of china which belong to the era of late Tang and Jin.the seventh oven and the second oven belong to the era of late Tang.The fifth oven and the third oven belong to the era of Jin.They have their own styles.The evidence selling overseas about Jingxing-yao's china has been found.Haifeng Town is a market selling the jing xingyao's china.it is a coastal town from which the Jingxing-yao's china has been seld worldwide.Haifeng site has been found at 2000.Jingxingyao's genesis and wane has natural and social reason.Jingxingyao's research shall push the research about the northern china oven.Jingxing-yao relate Hebei province and Shanxi province.
China Ceramics