本文针对线性调频声呐的技术局限 ,阐述了新型参量阵声呐的基本原理及其技术特点 ,介绍了 SES- 96系统先进的在线信号采集和处理方法 ,对 SES- 96系统的高分辨率、高精度性能作了解释。此外 ,通过 SES- 96系统在印度某疏浚区的应用实例 ,对 SES- 96系统的应用效果作了评价。
Directing against the limitation of the linear sonar system, this paper has summarized the basic principle and characteristics of non linear(parametric) sonar system based on the comparison between linear and non linear sonar system In addition, this paper has also given some description on how the signal is sampled and processed on line, which contributes a lot to the high resolution and accuracy of the SES 96 system Finally, a case study is made for the efficiency evaluation of the SES 96 system
China Harbour Engineering