百余年来 ,不少中国传统典籍被译成了英语 ,这对弘扬中国文化起到了积极作用。但在英译过程中 ,尤其对文化术语的翻译 ,也存在这样那样的问题。本文阐述了传统文化翻译中应该研究的三个问题 :一、注意民族文化的特征 ;二、对民族文化的核心内容要做历时和共时的分析 ,从文化值和形神结构上进行归纳分类 ;三、必须遵循正确的跨文化翻译的原则 ,即“保持文化个性 ,力求形神兼备 ,减少文化亏损 ,平衡语用效果。”
This paper expounds three problems in the translation of the traditional Chinese culture and its terms. First of all, translators should have a good mastery of the individual characteristics of the terms of traditional Chinese culture. Secondly, translators should classify the terms according to their cultural value and structure. The paper offers two sorts of classifications: One is done according to the essence of the terms and the other according to the structure of the terms. Thirdly, translators should make clearly sure and keep in mind the principles in intercultural translation: preservation of the cultural individuality, management of the unity of form and essence, keeping the cultural deficiency to the least extent, and balancing the pragmatical effect.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)