新的历史条件下 ,思想政治工作面临着新的考验。外在环境的变化 ,工作对象出现许多新的特色 ,原有的观念、方法都受到冲击 ,思想政治工作必须改革、创新。思想政治工作的改革 ,不是抛弃而是扬弃 ,是继承优良传统基础上的改革 ,是向前发展的创新 ,只有改革与创新 。
Under the new historic condition ,the political and ideological work encounters new test.The changes in the outside world,many new features of the objects of working,and the old ideas and methods will all meet challenge,which leaves room for reform and creation in the political and ideological work.Only through reform and creation,rather than abandoning,can the political and ideological work gain new life.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi