准确恰当 ,是应用文语言最基本的特征和要求。但是 ,在强调语言运用的准确性的同时 ,却又不可避免地会涉及到语言的另一个重要特征—模糊性。以往 ,人们对应用写作往往只强调语言的准确性 ,却忽视模糊性。其实准确的表述既有赖于精确的词语 ,同时也离不开模糊词语。
Exactness and appropriatness are the most fundamental features and requirement of practical writing. While exphasizing the exactness in the choice of words, we'll inevitably involve in another language feature ambiguity. People used to stress the exactness of practical writing to the expense of ambiguity. As a matter of fact, exact expression depends not only on exact diction, but also on ambiguity.