《巴黎公报》曾写道 :“如果我们人类还要继续生存下去 ,我们就一定要倒退回去两千五百年 ,去追寻孔子的智慧。”这是很值得细究的。孔子关于“人能弘道、非道弘人” ,“行‘恭、宽、信、敏、惠’仁德于天下” ,“躬自厚而薄责于人”的生存智慧里 ,一以贯之的莫过于一个“和”字 :“礼之用 ,和为贵 ,先王之道 ,斯为美。”这对于生存问题远未成为昨日话题的当代人类 ,有效地整合人与自然、人与社会、人与人之间价值的激烈冲突 ,并最终促进世界的和谐与进步 ,无疑具有十分重要的现实价值。
In “Paris Gazette” we find the following remarks:“If we want to survive, we must go back and seek the wisdom of survival from Confucius, who lived 2,500 years ago.”This remark deserves our consideration because Confucius was right to say “Man must practise benevolence and the virtues of being” courteous, tolerant, trustworthy, intelligent and kind” and that of being' strict with oneself and lenient toward others'. Morever, he preached the idea that harmony is what matters. All this is of vital significance to the whole of mankind who are confronted with the problem of how to survive and how to effectively adjust the violent conflicts between man and nature, man and society, man and man so as to eventually promote harmony and progress of the world.