利用果蝇心脏发育基因 zfh-1的 c DNA序列和计算机克隆方法 ,在 9号染色体上发现了一个新的人类同源基因 .经国际基因命名委员会批准 ,命名为 ZN F32 2 .该基因总长度约为 2 .8kb,为一个连续的序列 ,编码一个 4 0 2个氨基酸的蛋白质 ,与小鼠 zfp-35编码的蛋白质最相似 (同源度为 51 .4 % ) .该基因在人体肾、脑、结肠、胚胎心脏及黑色素瘤等多种组织中广泛表达 ,其功能有待深入研究 .
Based on the cDNA sequence of the zfh -1 gene in Drosophila , a novel human homolog located on chromosome 9 was found by computer cloning method. The gene is named ZNF 322, which is approved by HUGO Gene Nomeclature Committee. Its mRNA is about 2.8 kb and there is no intron in it. The gene encodes a protein of 402 amino acids,which is the best similar to the mouse protein encoded by zfp -35 (51.4%). Its ESTs appeared in many kinds normal tissues, such as kidney, brain, colon and fetal heart, and in melanoma or other tumor tissues. The function of the gene remains to be studied.
Life Science Research
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