目的 :了解皮下埋植避孕法 (简称皮埋法 )在农村的实际使用效果、使用者满意度及其影响因素。方法 :对乐山五通桥区 5 2 6名皮埋法使用者进行了现场调查 ,就使用者对该方法的使用效果、满意度及其影响因素进行多元因素分析。结果 :避孕率达 98.9% ,续用率为 96 .2 % ,副反应的发生率为 74.9%。对此方法满意的有 398例 (75 .7% ) ,不满意的 5 0例(9.5 % )。满意度主要与家人的满意度、了解皮埋优缺点、是否自愿选择使用皮埋法相关。满意度与手术后副反应的发生及副反应程度、续用率等密切相关。结论 :皮埋法的避孕效果是肯定的 ,在农村妇女中有一定的满意度。要进一步在农村推广使用皮埋法 ,提高其满意度及避孕效果 。
Objective:Acknowledge the effect,side effect of norplant and the satisfaction of 526 users in leshan country.Methods:The information obtained by this investigation were multivariately analyzed.Results:1)The contraceptive efficacy rate is 98 9%,the continuation rate is 96 2%,the prevalence rate of side effect is 74 9%,the satisfactory rate is 75 7%,the unsatisfactory one is 9 5%;2)The satisfaction mainly related with the satisfaction of users relatives,whether users knew of norplant and voluntarily used it or not;3)Besides the satisfaction also related with the prevalene of side effect norplant and the continuation rate.Conclusions:Norplant is efficacious and satisfactory in rural areas.Norplant should be propagated to further spread it in rural areas,improve the satisfactory race and the contraceptive effect.
Modern Preventive Medicine
四川省计生委科研基金资助!97- 4- 1