从主要功能、模型建立、主要特点等几个方面介绍了单机空战智能仿真系统。重点介绍神经网络决策模型和飞机、雷达、导弹模型的建立。飞机机动模型采用质点运动方程 ,选用了 1 9个基本机动动作 ;机载雷达模型着重介绍雷达发现和截获目标以及盲区确定的条件 ;导弹模型主要介绍导弹发射、跟踪、命中条件的建立和计算 ;决策模型主要介绍多层前馈反向网络决策模型的输入、输出参数以及网络拓扑结构。
This article introduces the function, the characteristic and the models about the one to one air combat intelligence simulation system.It lays stress on the construction methods of these models.Equation of particle motion is used and about 19 basic maneuvers are selected in the flight maneuver model.The confirming conditions of target detection, capture and blind area are mainly introduced in the airborne radar model.The firing, tracking and hitting conditions are chiefly explained in the missile model, whose construction and calculation methods are also introduced.The input, output and network topology for the multilayer feedforward network decision making model are also stated. Further more, the implement of the system is mentioned in this article.
Flight Dynamics