与全球经济的一体化相适应 ,全球汇率制度经过漫长的演变而形成一定的体系。然而从近乎“完美”的国际金本位发展至今 ,全球汇率似乎陷入了“无制度”的牙买加体系。日益频繁的经济危机呼唤着新的国际汇率体系的到来。正当浮动汇率制和固定汇率制两派学者争论不休时 ,蒙代尔提出了最适度货币区理论 ,欧元区便是该理论的伟大实践。货币区理论是否能在全球范围适用 ?货币一体化是否能在全球范围内实现 ?本文试图作一些总结与探讨。
With adaptation of global economy's unification, global exchange rate institutio n has undertaken the evolution for a long time and formed a certain system. Howe ver, from nearly perfect Gold Standard to today, global exchange rate system see ms to plunge into “no system” Jamaica System. Increasingly frequent economic cr ises require the coming of new international exchange rate system. Whilst the fl oating exchange rate system argues severely with the fixed exchange rate system, Mundell set forth the theory of optimum currency areas. Euro area is the great practice of this theory. Whether the currency areas can be applied throughout t he world? Whether currency unification can be realized in global range? The arti cle tried to make summary and state personal opinions.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)