科学活动是人的思想寻求客观确定性的一种感性具体的现实性物质活动 ,标志着人类思想的成熟和觉醒 ;科学真理已经不再是某种纯粹的信念或可能性原则 ,而是一种既能够实际测量与定量计算 ,也能够付诸于生产与实践的可操作性结论 ;科学理论包含两种不同性质的知识要素 ,其中基于人类特定感觉器官及其延伸的形而下的“真” ,是科学真理及其价值的基础和根据 ;真理的价值化只能就其抽象本性来讲 ,主体性决不能等同于主观性 ,任何把真理探索过程价值化的思想和观点都不仅是形而上学的 。
Scientific activities are essentially realistic material activities by which the wisdom of the human race explores the objective certainty.lt reflects the maturity and ripeness of human wisdom.The truth of science is no longer a pure belief or possible principles but an outcome which can be tested and put into practice and production.The theory of science includes tow different elements of knowledge.The“truth”based on human particular sensory organs and their extentions is the base and foundation of scientific truth and value.The value of truth is basically abstract.The subject is not equivalent to subjectivity.Any attempt to put value to the process of searching is metaphisical,which will hinder the development of human congnition.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)