在以二氧化钛为主要乳浊剂的搪瓷面釉中降低氟硅酸钠的含量的同时 ,改变B2 O3、P2 O5、R2 O的含量 ,调节各种工艺参数 ,研究分析对瓷釉性能的影响。试验验证了上述三种氧化物能很好地降低氟硅酸钠含量 ,并保证瓷面的白度和光泽。
In the enamel cover coats which includes the opacifier agent made of TiO 2,the quantity of Na 2SiF 6 is decreased,at the same time the quantities of B 2O 3、P 2O 5 and R 2O are changed.We analyze the effects of enamel slip through adjusting the processing fact. Through the test, the whiteness and gloss are guaranteed well while regulating the quantities of B 2O 3、P 2O 5 and R 2O.
Journal of Northwest University of Light Industry