通过分析福建省出现秋台年与无秋台年夏季几个物理因子的变化 ,得出如下结论 :(1 )有秋台年夏季东亚 5 0 0hPa高度距平场呈现“ - + -”的分布特征 ,无秋台年东亚 5 0 0hPa高度距平场呈“ + - +”的分布 (2 )有秋台年夏季副热带高压较活跃 ,北进南退的步伐较大 ,而无秋台年只在秋季的回跳速度快 (3)拉尼娜事件开始年份可能会出现秋台风 ,同时有秋台年夏、秋季海温距平分布是赤道中、东太平洋为负的海温距平 ,西、北太平洋为正海温距平 ,无秋台年份海温的分布形态与此刚好相反 .
Based on the analysis of the changes of several physical factors in summer for the years having or not having autumn tropical cyclones in Fujian Province. It shows that having autumn tropical cyclone years ,the departure distribution of 500hPa geopotential height field in East Asia was “-+-”,and in not having autumn tropical cyclone years was “+-+”. The Pacific subtropical high was active in summer for autumn tropical cyclone years. The step of progress and back was larger. But it was faster back only in autumn for no autumn tropical cyclone years. The La Nina beginning years would have autumn tropical cyclone. In autumn tropical cyclone years SSTs were below normal in central and eastern equatorial Pacific in summer and autumn and were above normal in western and northern Pacific. It was contrary for not having autumn tropical cyclone years.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait
国家九五重中之重基金!资助项目 (96 90 8 0 5 0 6 12 )