利用钻井、测井和地震等资料对黑 5 2井区上白垩统青山口—姚家组进行了综合层序地层学研究。共划分 5个三级层序 ,14个体系域。从而建立起该区层序地层格架 ,确定各层序界面接触关系 ,并总结了各层序内部的沉积特征和层序发育特征。介绍了吸收系数的工作原理 ,并在Linux操作系统下用GeoX2 0 0 0软件应用吸收系数方法进行油气判别。结果认为层序 2和层序
Based on the synthetic study of drilling, logging and seismic data of Yaojia group of upper Cretaceous Qingshankou in the Hei52 well area of southern Songliao basin, 5 Ⅲ-stratum and 14 system tract were recognized. And then, we build up this region’s sequence stratum frame, confirm each sequence’s contacted relationship, summary every sequence’s inner-sediment character and the sequence developing. According to the absorption coefficient working principle and by using the absorption coefficient method of the GeoX2000 under the Linux OS the oil-gas have been distinguished. It is conclude that the low stand tract systems of sequence 2 and sequence 5 are the available positon of oil-gas reservoir.
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology