

A Research on the Tendency of the Development of the Women Volleyball Through the World Matches
摘要 本文以世界青年女排锦标赛;世界女排大奖赛;第七届世界杯女排赛这三大赛事为研究对象,通过对比赛实况的分析比较,总结其规律,得出世界女排“五化”发展的新趋势。仅供我国组建女排队伍时借鉴,促进我国女排运动的快速发展。 Through the comporison and analysis Of the World Youth Women VolleybaIl Champi onship, the World Women Vollegball Match and the 7th World Clap Women Volleyball Match which the author of this paper has observed,he has summed up the regular patterns and the 5 as pects of the tendency of the development of the World Women Volleyball,providing references for organinng the National Women Volleyball Team,as well as promoting the development of the Chinese women volleyball
作者 尤耀堂
机构地区 洛阳师专体育系
出处 《洛阳师专学报(自然科学版)》 1996年第2期57-59,共3页
关键词 锦标赛 大奖赛 世界怀 大型化 力量化 全面化 立体化 现代化 女排 large scale full scale physical strength modernization three dimention
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