This paper dealed with the valid diffusion area s'size and the antigridetransported speed of the CB- HRP, as a neuroanatomical tracer,that was applied intothe archistriatalum of the left telecepholon by means of the iontophoresis in chicken.The iontophoretical current was managed on +4μA, 7 seconds on, 7 seconds off,and thetotal time was 30 minutes. After application of the CB-HRP,the animals recieved various survive times of 2 hours, 5 hours, 8 hours, 12hours, 17. 5 hours 24 hours, and 48hours. The results are as following: 1. The available area of the iontophouesis wasbiggest at the 5 hour survive time and 8 hour survive time and the diameter was 2.675mm. 2. The antigride transport rate was at least 96mm/day.