20世纪 70年代以来在西方英语国家日益引起人们高度重视的缄默知识理论。概要介绍并阐明缄默知识作为一种知识类型的逻辑特征与认识功能 ,分析其与教学活动的内在关联 ,并从缄默知识的角度对深化我国当前教育改革提出了若干建议 ,补充、修正和完善一些传统的教学观念 ,以期扩展当前教学实践的理论视野和知识基础 ,提高教学活动的有效性。
This paper aims to summarize the theory of tacit knowledge and analyze its singificance on teaching reform in China.The concept of tacit knowledge occurred in 1950s in the United Kingdom and was emphasized positively by many specialists in Western society in 1970s.The paper introduces this concept and its theory to Chinese educationlists to help them understand its logic characteristics and epistemological function.Especially, the paper researches into the inner relationships between tacit knowledge and teaching activity, reflecting the current theory and practice of teaching from the perspective of tacit knowledge.At last, it proposes some advices on teaching reform in order to improve the effective teaching.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
国家 1999年优秀博士学位论文基金资助