现浇钢筋混凝土板式楼梯的梯段板是有踏步的变截面板 ,设计时为简便起见 ,通常不考虑踏步的作用 ,板厚取值约为其斜长的 1 / 2 5~ 1 / 30。根据截面抗弯刚度相等和应变能相等两个原则 ,将变截面板转化为等截面板 ,从理论上分析了踏步对梯段板抗弯刚度和变形的有利作用 ,并与试验结果进行了对比 ,结果表明 ,考虑踏步参与工作及平台梁、平台板的整体约束等因素对梯段板抗弯刚度的有利影响 ,梯段板的厚度可减小至其斜长的 1 / 35~ 1 / 4 0 ,使板式楼梯的设计更为轻巧。
The vari section stair plate with steps is transformed to the equi section plate according to stiffness equivalent and strain energy equivalent. The influence of steps on the stiffness and deformation of the stair plate is analyzed and compared with tests. If good effect of steps and the restriction of platform beams and platform on the stiffness and deformation of plate stairs is considered, the thickness of plate can be decreased to 1/35~1/40 of the diagonal length of the plate, resulting more economical,light and handy design of plate stairs.
Building Structure