应用体外受精技术 ,可以有效地利用淘汰的高产奶牛和屠宰的青年母牛卵巢中的未成熟卵 ,大量、廉价地实验室生产胚胎。这对加速我国高产奶牛群和良种肉牛群的繁殖 ,是一项行之有效的胚胎工程技术。借鉴国外实验室生产牛胚胎的经验和根据我们实验室的实践 ,本文比较详细地叙述了体外受精牛胚胎 (试管牛 )的生产过程 ,包括卵母细胞的获得、培养、精子获能、体外受精以及受精后的胚胎培养、超低温冷冻保存与解冻后的胚胎移植等。
Using the immature ovum from eliminated high production dairy cow and slaughtered young cow, a number of embryos can be produced by in vitro insemination, it is an effective method to speed reproducing of high production dairy cow and improved beef breeds. According to abroad experience and our practices, the procedure of bovine embryo production in vitro, including oocyte collection, in vitro cultivation, sperm capacitation, in vitro insemination and embryo cultivation, freezing, thaw and transfer were reviewed in this paper.
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science