为了弥补传统数据管理系统在智能决策支持系统应用中的缺陷 ,一种新的数据组织和管理技术——数据仓库技术应运而生。随着数据仓库技术的不断发展和完善 ,该技术越来越广泛地应用到各个领域。本文结合税务决策支持系统的开发 。
To compensate the disadvantage of traditional dtat management systems applied in Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS),data warehousing came into being as a new technology for data organization and management.It prevails in various application areas with its continuous development.This paper illustrates design and implementation of the platform for data warehousing wit illustration of the implmentation of a Tax Decision Support System.
Microcomputer Applications