Ovarian tumor associatedantigen was isolated from human serouscystadenocarcinomas of ovary and purifiedby using affinity chromatography columnscoupled to anti-normal female serum andanti-normal ovarian tissue gamma globu-lin. Antiserum was prepared from NewZealand white rabbits. The antiserum wasabsorbed with normal female serum andextracts of normal ovarian tissue thoroughly. The absorbed antiserum was appraisedby immunodiffusion. immunoelectropho-resis and counter-immunoelectrophoresiswith intensifiers. The absorbed antiserumhas a specific immune precipitin withextracts of ovarian tumor tissue. Counter-immunoelectrophoresis withintensifiers was used to detect the ovariantumor associated antigen in the tissue andserum of various patients. Twenty-eight of40 ovarian tumor extracts and 1 of 5 cervica1carcinoma extracts showed the presenceof the cancer antigen.14/40 were positivein the sera of ovaian tumor patients and6/10 positive in the sera of ovarian serouscystadenocarcinoma patients;1/5 positivein the sera of cervical carcinoma patientsand 2/10 positive in the sera of ovariancysts patients. No positive result for thesera of normal females was noted. Thespecificity, sensitivity and accuracy of themethod were 94.7%. 42.3% and 83.3%.respecitvely.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences