本文对JYD 1962-1986年的地极坐标值X、Y用6年滑动平均法求得其平极的长期分量X0、Y0。并以BIH的地极坐标系统为基准,对JYD系统的长期稳定性进行研究,结果表明,JYD系统在1976年以后线性项发生了明显的变化。
From the X, Y components of the JYD series of polar coordinates, the mean poles of epoch during the years 1949-1986 were obtained. In comparing with those of the BIH, the stability of the polffr coordinates of JYD in long term was analysed. It is shown that the JYD series has an obvious drift after the year of 1976.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences