The laser holographic interferometry was employed to determine the 3-D minute dis-placement of the maxillary complex of a macerated girl skull with early permanent den-tition.It was pulled forward by a 300gm load at different angle to the occlusal planeas being used in the clinic.These results of biomechanical effects may be presented to the clinicians as guidelines.The results demonstrate that when the maxillary dentition is pulled forward alongthe occlusal plane and obliquely 15°above it,the maxillary is rotated counterclock wiseand the maxilla is moved forward and upward;while the maxillary dentition is pulled15°below the occlusal plane,there is the tendency to move the maxillary complex forw-ard and downward and to result a pressed bending between the upper and lower parts ofthe anterior maxilla.The direction of the protraction is the cause of changing the position of the rotationcenter and the exhibited displacement of the craniofacial complex.The same pulling forcewith different direction may cause different extent of craniofacial displacement.
West China Journal of Stomatology