1998年 10月底从福建沙埕引进平均体长 14.7 cm、平均体重 70.0 g的大规格黄姑鱼鱼种 5 000尾在南麂海区进行网箱养殖试验,运输成活率为 94.0%,至 2000年 7月 25日平均体长达 28.6 cm,平均体重为 487.5 g,养殖成活率达 67.7%,饵料系数为 4.34,投入产出比为 1∶ 2.14。
: A cage culture experiment was conducted in Nanji sea area.5 000 larvae of spotted maigre Nibea albiflora (Richardson) were introduced from Fujian in late October of 1998,with the average length of 14.7 cm and the average weight of 70.0g.Survival rate of transport was 94.0% .Field study showed,by July 25th, 2000,the average length of spotted maigre was 28.6cm, and the average weight was 487.5 g.Survival rate of culture was 67.7% ,feed coefficient was 4.34,and the ratio of input to output was 1∶ 2.14.
Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science Edition)