用16只 SD 大白鼠建立缺血再灌流心肌损伤模型,其中8只预先静脉注射吗啡以抗心律失常。此外,再用8只大鼠开胸作正常对照。其心脏标本进行 HE 染色及抗肌动蛋白单克隆抗体(HHF_(35))免疫组化观察:对照组心肌呈均匀一致的棕褐色染色;注射吗啡后再灌流组心肌呈小灶性分布的 HHF_(35)染色缺染区;未注射吗啡组心肌缺染呈广泛大面积分布。结果表明,HHF_(35)免疫组化法对显示实验性心肌缺血再灌流损伤有重要价值,且心肌缺血再灌流损伤程度与心律失常有关。
Experimental studies on the myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury in 16 anaethetized SDrats,of which,8 animals were pretreated with morphine(5 mg/kg,i.p.)for preventing of arrhyth-mias,were studied immunocytochemically with anti-muscle actin specific monoclonal antibody (HHF_(35)),8 shan-operated rats were used as control.With HHF_(35) ABC immunocytochemical method,the area of myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury(without morphine)showed decrease or ab-sence of staining,large areas of staining loss were also seen.In the group with morphine,only smallfoci of staining absence were shown.The myocardium in control animals showed evenly positive stain-ing.No change were seen with HE staining in all groups.The results obtained with HHF_(35) stainingsupport its important value in studying on myocardic reperfusion injury,and indicated that the degreeof myocardic damage may be relative to the arrhythmias in myocardial reperfusion injury.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine