选用 3套同核异质水稻不育系及其相应的保持系 ,以及生产上推广应用的 13个水稻主栽品种 ,于水稻孕穗期接种具有不同致病力的 4个水稻细菌性条斑病菌菌株。不育胞质的抗病性鉴定结果表明 ,不同胞质类型的不育系之间抗病性差异明显 ,均比其同名保持系感病 ,其中野败型不育胞质 (W汕A、W协A)高感细条病 ,T型胞质 (T新A、T协A)对细条病的抗性较好。但在G型 (如G新A等 )少数不育胞质与条斑病菌如Syt等少数菌株的互作中 ,表现出明显的胞质效应 ,不育胞质较之正常胞质更感病。水稻品种抗性鉴定结果表明 ,江苏省水稻细条病发生地区目前推广的13个主栽品种中 ,武育粳 3号、镇稻 88等 6个粳稻品种表现为高抗 ,5个籼型品种和 1个粳稻品种高感条斑病。根据调查 。
Twelve cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines (A) and 13 commercially grown cultivars of rice were used for the evaluation of their resistance to BLS.At their booting stage,the plants were inoculated with 4 isolates of the pathogen, X.o.pv.oryzicola (Xooi).The CMS lines showed lower resistance to the disease than their corresponding maintainer lines.Obvious differences were observed between different types of cytoplasimic sterility.W shan A and W xie A appeared highly susceptible to the disease while T xin A and T xie A were fairly tolerant.Striking cytoplasmic effects were noticed in the interaction between the G-CMS lines and the Xooi isolate Cyt.Being more susceptible than the normal cytoplasm.Of the 13 cultivars studied,which are recommended for cultivation in Jiangsu Province,6 japonica cultivars appeared to the highly resistant and 5 indica cultivars and 1 japonica cultivars highly susceptible.It is concluded that it is feasible to control the disease by planting the resistant cultivars in the disease-plagued rice-producing areas.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University