本文报道了石梓栽培技术研究结果:23°N以南为石梓适生地区,其年均温20.5~24.5℃,极端低温>-1.5℃,年降雨量1200~2000mm,年平均风速<2.5m/s。适宜立地为地形开阔,阳光充足,土壤疏松,表土层含有机质>2%,全氮>0.1%,速效磷>0.25mg/100g土,pH 4.5~6.9,土壤含水率10%~24%。种子贮存以干燥器最好,贮存一年发芽率87.4%。催芽用浸晒和浸沤处理,比不处理提前10天发芽,发芽率提高9%~12%;不同子叶类型的芽苗分别移植,较混合移植的苗木合格率提高20.6%;评定了种子主要质量指标和效果良好的育苗、造林方法。技术综合指标:材积年均生长量>12m^3/ha。
A cultivation technique of Gmelina arborea is reported in this paper. The suitable growing area for G. arborea is to the south of 23 癗, where the annual mean temperature is 20.5-24.5℃, extreme low temperature higher than -1.5℃, annual rainfall 1 200~2 000mm, annual wind-speed less than 2.5 m/s. The suitable site for planting is that of open ground, full of sunshine, loose soil, epipedon organic matter more than 2 %, total nitrogen more than 0.1 %, available phosphate more than 0.25mg/100g soil, pH value 4.5-6.9, and the soil moisture content is 10 %~24 %. Seed storage in the desiccator has a best effect, its germination rate is up to 87.4 % after storing for one year. Hastening germination of seed with soaking and drying repeatedly or soaking in lime-water for seven days can help to germinate earlier for 10 days and increase 9 %~12 % of germination rate comparing those of the checks. Bud-seedlings with different types of cotyledon transplanted individually can enhance over 20.6 % of the seedling qualified rate than those of mixed transplanting. Besides, the main quality index and the methods of seedling nursing and planting with best effect had been evaluated in this paper. The comprehensive index of cultivation technique is that the mean annual increment in volume is 12m3 per ha.
Forest Research